When is it too late to declare music?

So I’ve always considered doing a double major in political science and oboe performance. I’m signed up with my current college as a poly sci major, not in oboe performance. My question is, would it be too late is I declared my double major the next semester, spring 2016?

you need to call your school

Is there a reason you want to wait until spring 2016?

I second the suggestion to call your school, or meet with an advisor. Is this a college you are entering as a freshman? If so, then I would think your proposed major for fall is not written in stone. Are courses all filled? Is that the problem?

Music majors have foundational courses that are often a full year, in sequence, with the first part in the fall and second part in the spring. For instance, a music history survey or introductory theory or musicianship. That may or may not be true at your school.

Yes I am entering as a freshman. The reason I want to wait a semester is because I’m not entirely sure if I even want to double major and what would allow me to do so. I’m just wondering if anyone has majored in music and NOT started their first semester of freshman year.

I agree call the school. Music theory classes are a sequence so it may be impossible to start in spring. If you go to a large university, they may offer every class every semester. If it is a small school, probably not.

It would definitely be too late if you are considering oboe performance at a conservatory or school of music that requires auditions and has limited openings in each studio. You don’t say which school you are entering, but some will have more flexibility than others, so I agree with the other responses…Call your school!

If this is for a BA, not a BM/performance, your major is not yet, as I said, 'written in stone." You can go to college, take classes in areas that interest you, and declare a major late in your freshman or, often, sophomore year. If you want to do a BA/BM, that is a different story. If you want to read about double majors versus double degrees in music, by the way, here is a good essay: And yes, call your school, e-mail or thoroughly research the dept. websites.
