When is SOAR?

<p>When does SOAR run in the summer? I have not confirmed enrollment so they will not let me view the dates. I am going on vacation from the end of the school year (2nd week of june) to the end of july. So i'm hoping that I do not miss the SOAR date...</p>

<p>There are a few dates to choose from. Some are as late as August I think…</p>

<p>Dates- June to the end of July- international the week before classes start (end August). You should rethink 6 straight weeks of vacation to allow for orientation- allow 2 days.</p>

<p>Starting June 1st? Is SOAR only 2 days?</p>

<p>I think I might be able to take off of school during the 1st 2 weeks. My exams (for AP) could be taken earlier. I also need to make it to graduation the 2nd week. If SOAR is only 2 days then I think I can do that.</p>

<p>You do not want to be arriving at SOAR in early August. You will be selecting classes from the leftover scraps–the only guaranteed options you’ll have are big, intro lectures reserved for freshmen. Unless your interests are unusually generic, you will be disappointed.</p>

<p>So yeah, take a couple days off school near the beginning of June.</p>

<p>Or, if you’re hardcore, find some slacking seniors who take ~12-14 credits and are willing to reserve a class for you when we register in a month or so. (They can reserve up to 18 credits)</p>

<p>justtotalk: That doesn’t work anymore, beginning with the current semester, class wait lists are maintained through the Student Center, so if a senior ‘reserves’ a class hoping to drop it so a buddy with lower standing can add it, it will instead be offered to the next person on the automated wait list.</p>

<p>Registration for a summer SOAR session begins on Monday, April 25th at 5pm.</p>

<p>Link to 2011 SOAR details:</p>

<p>[Student</a> Orientation, Advising, and Registration | University of Wisconsin?Madison](<a href=“http://www.newstudent.wisc.edu/soar/freshman/pre-rsvp/3-howRes.php]Student”>http://www.newstudent.wisc.edu/soar/freshman/pre-rsvp/3-howRes.php)</p>

<p>SOAR will be located in the NEW Union South!</p>