When is the best time to apply for loans?

<p>I just got my FAFSA in. I know, it's REALLY late. I should have put it in earlier, but I couldn't because until now, my parents refused to give me their information. Basically I had to bug them to death until they did so. Actually, now that I think about it, they haven't helped me at all with all this college stuff...</p>

<p>Anyway, back to the point. When is the best time to apply for loans?</p>

<p>Also, what do I do if I don't have a creditworthy co-signer for private loans? I don't have credit. Period. I'm not even 18 yet. My parents have teeerrrriiibbbllleee credit.</p>

<p>If you submit a FAFSA, I believe you are also eligible to receive a Stafford loan. This federal loan does not require a credit check/history. It could either be subsidized or unsubsidized. This will depend on your EFC. Again, I am not sure on the specifics, but I hope someone can clear that up.</p>

<p>If you are planning to apply for private loans, if may be more difficult because of our current economic situation; however, early research pays off. You may see that interest rates may be higher, too.</p>

<p>I hope you get some help on this.</p>

<p>If you’re talking about Stafford and other federal loan programs that will be part of your FA package, there should be info included with the FA award. Some schools are direct lenders, some will ask you to choose a lender (FFEL) - you can find out by looking at their website. It’s all part of accepting your FA package with the school.</p>