When Should I Take the SAT?

I am currently a junior in high school and I am trying to decide when the best time to take my SAT’s is.

The two dates I am considering are March 5th and May 7th. I am scheduled to take my ACT’s on March 1st and my AP exams are May 2nd and May 3rd. Both dates are extremely close to other big tests but I am definitely planning to retake it and I am hoping to retake it in June. So which of the 2 dates should I go for.

*My PSAT score came back to be 1140 (560 Reading and Writing, 580 Math).

Note: The deadline for the March registration was Feb. 5th but the late registration is Feb. 23rd.

If you take the May 7th administration, you won’t receive your score back before your June test. Personally, I think the May test is better for you since two standardized exams in a week isn’t the best idea (and it’ll give you ample time to prepare for the SAT in between), but that’s just my opinion.