<p>I apologize if that info is out there somewhere already but I can't find it. What date (apx) will October scores be available for students and prospective colleges? My son will take his 4th and final subject test in October but won't submit it unless it's a great score. He'll need it before the end of October for an EA college. Thanks.</p>
<p>October 20th.</p>
<p>[SAT</a> Score Availability - SAT Score Delivery Calendar](<a href=“The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board”>Getting SAT Scores – SAT Suite of Assessments | College Board)</p>
<p>Thank-you. One more question, please.</p>
<p>If my son sees the score on the 20th and likes what he sees, he’ll send his scores, that one included. Will he still be able to get his 4 free scores sent at that point?</p>
<p>No, you have to select recipients for the free score reports by the Thursday following the test.</p>
<p>Oh, thanks for letting me know. So my son will need to know if he’s done well without seeing the score.</p>