Where are my ruralbois at

My bois that have driven tractors
My bois that have no AP classes offered so have to transfer
My bois that are in 4-H
My bois that have never done a science competition bc they’re never held (seriously not even a middle school science fair lol)
My bois that have 4 clubs total at their school
Please help I’m scared i wont get in anywhere because I look like crap compared to private superstudents

Are you a farm kid? That is pretty under represented.

I’m not a boi, but I’m from a fairly rural area too. There are no AP classes at my school, so I had to take them through an online school. I did 4-H too. And there are barely any clubs at my school.

Schools definitely take into account where you’re from and what is available at your school. If there are no AP classes and limited clubs at your school, admissions officers won’t fault you for it.

@Snowball City
Not exactly on a farm (live near one) but in a city of about 10000, the closest city bigger than us is more than an hour away

thank god

Ballet freak is right- colleges take into consideration what your school offers in terms of APs and clubs, etc. Plus, I just read an article in the New York Times titled “Colleges Discover the Rural Student.” You should google it. Good article.


Do you live nearby any junior colleges? Because if you do, you could take a few classes at a junior college as a high school student and recieve the same credit that you would taking an AP class.

That’s a good idea. My nephew is from a rural area and his school did not offer APs so he took dual enrollement classes (6 total) at a community college in a neighboring town. It gave him the same GPA boost as an AP class would have and also showed the adcoms that he took initiative to provide himself with a challenging curriculum since his school did not.

What is a bois?

Purposeful misspelling of “boys,” I believe

Thanks @bodangles .

OP, I grew up for a time on a mountain in a rural area of the Pacific Northwest. We had no electricity. There were 300 kids in the high school, if I recall. I have since travelled all over the world and have a fulfilling life. I no longer live in the PNW. I spent six years getting a degree, three of those at CC. You will go to college, and you don’t have to be a superstar. (I will add an obligatory “I assume you applied to an appropriate range of colleges.”) Things will work out how they are supposed to.

OP, I saw that you have a 3.83 GPA, a 36 on the ACT (and you’re still a junior?), scored 5 on all AP tests taken, active in sports, band, speech and debate, volunteer work as well as a paid job at a restuarant, etc. Looks like you are making the most of every opportunity available in your small, rural community. While some colleges are a lottery for almost everyone, I think you can stop worrying about not getting in anywhere. :slight_smile: Your grades and test scores alone would qualify you for a full tuition scholarship at Alabama, but I think you are likely to have several great opportunities.