Where are we moving from and to?

We purchased in Bonita Springs right before Ian. Lee county was hit incredibly hard (fortunately we had little damage) but the speed and efficiency of the clean up was remarkable. Much better than any storm recovery I’ve seen in PA or MA. They definitely know what they’re doing and how to execute. Given the summer heat and humidity I can’t see becoming a full year resident but 183 days a year is absolutely doable for tax purposes.

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Just came back from 3 weeks in Sanibel. My MIL’s house was 2nd story and in pretty good shape, but the island was post-apocalyptic (Lexus in swimming pool, boat in trees, etc.). The one-story houses are completely trashed but people are renovating as opposed to rebuilding on stilts. Crazy. The change over the course of 3 weeks was noticeable.


Glad to hear MIL’s home is better! I struggle to understand why people rebuild on grade and why the state/town allows it. After Sandy our beach town enacted building permits that required building above grade for both new construction and renovations over a certain amount.


I live in Central MA (about 35 miles from Boston) and three of my friends have moved to the Pioneer Valley and love it. They aren’t in Northhampton, but very close by where homes are less expensive. One is in South Hadley,one in Worthington, and one is in Florence,which is a section of Northhampton that isn’t as pricey as other parts of the town.

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We have friends who moved from the Boston area to Amherst, MA @Bromfield2. He was an Amherst grad and it is possible she went to Smith and I think her brother may have taught at Amherst. They are really enjoying it and the fact that the real estate is a lot less expensive there compared to where they lived in the Boston area.

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I’m a Pioneer Valley fan–love Northampton, the Smith art museum, the town of Amherst, but I would consider moving to Florence just to be near the Florence Pie Bar! https://www.florencepiebar.com/


We live in Portland Oregon. We lucked into a small midcentury ranch home in 2012 that has an amazing view of Mt. St. Helens and Vancouver WA. Sometimes I think we should move across the river for the tax benefits, and possibly fewer gunshots at night, but then I look out my back windows. Nope, we are staying here. And even with the rise in the price of my home since we bought it, I couldn’t afford to buy one with an equally nice view across the river. During the pandemic 2 of my 3 girls moved to this area so leaving the area is a total no!

But if I had the money to choose anything? I’d live here 6 months of the year and in San Diego the other 6. Or even Palm Springs. Or anywhere sunny.


Would love to get your thoughts on Bonita Springs. We had been looking in Hilton Head (it’s easily drivable for us) but my husband is now keen on Naples and Bonita Springs. I recently found a canal home in Bonita Springs but know nothing about the area.

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A friend of mine moved to Bonita Springs a while ago (very new over-55 community). She absolutely loves it!

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Feel free to DM me if you have specific questions :slightly_smiling_face:. We moved into a very large development with many smaller communities within. We have many friends from our home neighborhood who have also purchased there over the last 5 years. We’re really enjoying it so far but have only owned for about 6 months. Since we knew so many people in this area we didn’t seriously consider naples. However, the town of naples is charming and walkable with lots of good restaurants whereas Bonita Springs is more like a suburb where driving is the norm. We have found the people in the area incredibly friendly and welcoming.

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Thank you - I will take you up on your DM offer :slight_smile:

We are hoping to head down to that area for a visit in March. My in laws live in Sarasota for part of the year, so we’ve been there a bunch but never farther south.

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I was there last week. D25 LOVED Lewis & Clark. Maybe she will be my foothold into Portland!

I haven’t looked through this in a few months, or thought about it really. But after this week, PNW definitely climbed a bit on the list. It was uncharacteristically sunny, but I think I can handle the overcast winter over the cold one I am used to.

We call it the “February Fake-out”, a few lovely days in February followed by months more of rain and grey before summer. But it’s lovely! Glad you could enjoy it. And the PNW is a beautiful part of the country even when it rains.


I think the grey skies are somewhat balanced out by the green grass. I hadn’t seen that in months!


Personally I can’t live where there are grey skies for months on end. One of the reasons H and I think we could live in Colorado is the blue skies and sunshine in the winter.

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We lived in Portland Oregon for two years. Then I had to get out. The grey skies and constant drizzle got to me. I had to get back into the Sun!

On sunny days it can’t be beat - beautiful!

Also, I’m not surprised that grunge music originated in The PNW - just gloomy.

Coming from NY, we certainly do like our blue skies and sunshine in Colorado. We definitely have snow/cold (especially this year!), but it’s easier handle with the sunshine. Even this year we’ve had a bit of “fake out” warm spells. Yesterday I ran in high 50s temps. Of course this morn at 10am it’s 9 degrees and cloudy. Colorado weather is unpredictable, but as I like to say… “we take our 300 days of sunshine whenever they come”.


We’ve lived in the PNW for 15 years. I actually hate the smoke every summer now more than the rain which I guess I’m used to.

We’re planning on leaving when the kids are all in college, or at least moving away from Portland, for all the reasons you’ve heard about.

Well, you are on the right thread! Where are you headed?

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Unsure, but it’s a big debate! Maybe out towards the Columbia gorge more, White Salmon/Hood River area. Or Walla Walla. Or Boise. Or some combo of Santa Fe or Tucson and somewhere in Washington or Boise.