Where can I find a 9-month lease?

<p>...besides with Steve Brown or at a private dorm?</p>

<p>I am a sophomore living at The Regent, and I'm not too crazy about it so far. It's too quiet and just seems, well, "dead" socially. I have a 9-month lease, and my rent is $558/month. (My lease, however, is almost completely paid off; just one more month to pay. I decided to pre-pay my rent so I'll have more freedom with next semester's financial aid disbursement.) Anyway, I was wondering, where can I live next year that has a 9-month lease and is affordable and isn't The Regent? I was seriously thinking about the public dorms (Tripp Hall in particular) until I noticed how expensive they were.</p>

<p>I can't live at another private dorm because of finances (Lucky, Towers, etc. would be WAY too expensive for someone on finaid), but almost all of the houses and regular apartments I've looked at have 12-month leases, which I don't want. So where can I find a good 9-month lease that won't be cost-prohibitive? (I'd prefer to stay near campus and pay no more than 550-600 a month.)</p>

<p>Have you ever considered trying to sublet your apartment during the three summer months?</p>

<p>Ditto on the above. You won’t find a cheap apt with a landlord willing to risk having an empty apt for 3 months, many students look at subletting their 12 month lease for the summer. Parents often look at the 12 months’ cost compared to 9 months in the dorms when willing to pay their student’s rent. Also, you won’t find that apts are social places like the dorms are- every unit is self contained. You need to have your own friends for your social life in an apt.</p>

<p>Are the dorms really THAT MUCH of a ripoff, or do the lower food costs and household costs even it out? Also, how hard is it to find a summer subleaser?</p>

<p>Never considered UW dorms a ripoff- especially when I see the costs at many other schools nationally. The food service is all voluntary, some schools have huge minimum dollar reqs and Res Halls pays for itself without making a profit. You do get what you pay for- you can have higher or lower standards than those of Res Halls. You can find a minimal apt (12 months) for less or a more luxurious one for much more near campus.</p>

<p>Summer sublet- will depend on location, apt amenities and cost. Many students may consider looking for a summer job in Madison and want to have an apt for summer- the advantage of a 12 month lease. Some from the dorms may want a summer place and want to sublet. You may have an advantage if you are alone- no roommate considerations. Plan your next apt based on where you will live for the next 9 or 12 months, don’t count on a sublet to finance your place. Remember that when the off campus listings appear this fall you don’t have to hurry. Good apts, especially one berooms, will still be available next semester. You have several months to learn more about how things work in Madison so relax and revisit this issue this winter.</p>



<p>You need to look at the Total Cost of living in an apartment: Rent, utilities (electricity, gas, water, cable, internet, etc). Food can be less expensive, but you have to cook and clean up after yourself. Also factor in the convenience of the location, someone else cleaning the bathroom, etc.</p>

<p>When you look at the total cost (especially if you have to pay for 12 months of rent), the two options tend to be close. It is more a lifestyle issue than a true economic one.</p>



<p>With 40,000 kids leaving campus for the summer, there is a lot of vacant space. You also have the risk of the sub-leaser trashing the place, not paying rent, etc. Remember, they are a “sub” under you. You still have primary liability.</p>

<p>I think UW keeps dorm and food costs very reasonable. And there is a good range of choices. Much more a lifestyle choice to live off campus–as most do after one year.</p>

<p>Agree with the lifestyle choice as the reason to choose dorm/apt. Good points in above posts.</p>

<p>Bump, anyone know of any places that do academic year leasing BESIDES the Regent? I am not looking for anything fancy. If possible, I want a place close to the hospital side of campus, and cheap/available parking. I’m willing to settle for a different location if I could get a 9 month lease. :)</p>

<p>I doubt you will find an apartment for $550-$600 that is a nine-month lease.</p>

<p>Here is an efficiency for $579 for a 12-month lease.</p>

<p>[Goldleaf</a> Development - Results Set](<a href=“http://www.goldleafdevelopment.com/list.asp?id=129]Goldleaf”>http://www.goldleafdevelopment.com/list.asp?id=129)</p>

<p>My very limited experience in looking for a 9 month lease proved out to be a 12 month total lease $ wise paid over 9 months, in other words- no advantage to a 9 month lease. Granted I didn’t spent a ton of time looking.</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback, guys. It does appear that it might just be cheaper to find a cheap 12 mo lease and not count on summer subletting rather than pay for an exorbitantly priced apartment and 120/mo parking spot at some large new apartment. </p>

<p>Though if I really wanted to get a deal, perhaps I could find a different sublease for both semesters. Hmm =)</p>

<p>You can try Saxony Apartments! On West Johnson and North Frances.</p>