<p>I've been living in America for over 5 years and will be classified as an International Student for application purposes (haven't received my green card yet)</p>
<p>I was wondering what colleges would qualify as reaches, matches and safeties for me (with a couple in each of those categories, I wouldn't mind building the list mostly on my own - with something like Fiske of course). I actually have a list but I think my expectations are either too low or too high :(</p>
<p>GPA - 3.34 (Had some depression issues and my parent's divorce/"separation", my counselor will probably talk about that in the recommendation - she knows). My last quarter GPA has certainly improved significantly, and I'm hoping to repeat that this year to increase my overall GPA.
ACT - 32 (without studying or taking practice tests, I plan to retake it)</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars - Nothing too spectacular here</p>
<p>SGA (School wide) - VERY active, leader position for 2+ years
Political Club (Has a different name of course) - Founder and President, VERY active here too</p>
<p>Other than those, it's nothing major really in the EC department.</p>
<p>I have also won a pretty prestigious state wide contest in Economics (part of a team). I also have a good deal of community service and internships under my belt.</p>
<p>I'm geared towards Social Sciences (and my solid grades in them will probably reflect that), I'm gonna major in Economics most likely (maybe double in Political Science)</p>
<p>Very tough course load, IB Magnet (APs since Freshmen year actually). I'm a Male and not a URM. Oh and high school doesn't rank! My teachers will almost surely talk about my involvement in SGA, my interest in Politics and Economics...they should be good!</p>
<p>If I don't apply for Financial Aid, what colleges/universities can I consider Reaches, Matches and Safeties?</p>
<p>What if I do apply for Financial Aid?</p>
<p>(A friend of mine has similar stats - a higher GPA, somewhere in the 3.4 range, but she's low-income and first gen, plus she worked her way through HS...also International, what are her odds? She's Eastern European...)</p>