<p>hey, I was wondering if you can give me some advice as to the schools I can get into, or maybe recomend a school that might suit me well. </p>
White male, junior at a very competitive (top 60 in Us) public hs in NY</p>
<p>SatI: 2260 (Verbal:720, Math:760, Writing, 780)
SatII: Bio:770, MathIC: 720, US History (will be in the 700s or 800)</p>
<p>GPA (uw): 3.8</p>
<p>APs: -Sophomore: Euro History
-Junior: U.S. History, Physics C-Mech.
-Senior: Spanish, Calculus, Environmental Science, (Maybe Biology)</p>
<p>Other Courseload:<br>
-Honors math and spanish in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade
-In an advanced Science Research course, carrying out an extensive environmental research project on my own (won honorable mention in a Nasa competition last year). </p>
<p>ECs: I feel that if I go into this I'll end up delving into why each activity is so important, and I'm too lazy to do that right now. Just assume that my ECs are Very good and unique, but not extraordinary or spectacular. </p>
<p>Essays: Assume they will be very good</p>
<p>Recs: Excellent</p>
<p>Okay, so colleges that I'm interested in:
-Wash U
<p>I'm also wondering if anyone who has gone through the application process and gotten into a school, or at least visited many schools, can give me some advice as to where to apply.<br>
-I don't want to be extremely far from home, so I guess D, WU and UM are good indicators of how far I'll go.<br>
-I really don't want to go to a "nerdy" type of school. Throughout middle school and HS, none of my friends have been great students, so I want to go to a school where I'll identify with kids more. That's why I put a school like UMich there---I'd be with more regular kids. I understand that every school will have cool kids, but I just hate being around overachievers.<br>
-And lastly, the fact that I'm from an upper middle class town in NY probably weighs in a little bit (I don't want a huge culture shock, like Texas or something). </p>
<p>If you read all of this and can reply, thank you very much in advance.<br>
Good luck to everyone else still searching...</p>