Where did Nobel Prize winners complete their undergraduate education?

<p>It has been a while since the resident idiot savant (yours truly) started a thread, and this one should be as useless as most of them!</p>

<p>Many throw around Nobel Prize affiliations as proof of quality of education. So I decided to compile a list of colleges and universities according to where Nobel Prize winners completed their undergraduate education. </p>

<p>First, the ground rules:</p>

<li><p>I only included winners of the prize for Chemistry, Economics, Literature, Medicine and Physics. I did not include winners of the Peace prize.</p></li>
<li><p>I decided to add Fields Medalists since their is no Prize for Mathematics and the Fields medal is extremely prestigious.</p></li>

<p>Most of the results were expected, although I was surprised at how few prize winners had graduated from several elite universities (especially Brown, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Michigan, Northwestern, Princeton and Stanford). </p>

<p>The conclusion, I think most will agree after seeing the numbers, is that one cannot rely on the production of Nobel Prize winners as an indicator of quality of undergraduate education because only 7 universities have produced more than 5!</p>

<p>Here we go:</p>

<p>Most universities never produced a Nobel Prize winner, but the following are notable:</p>

<p>Bowdoin College
Carleton College
Duke University
Harvey Mudd College
Middlebury College
Pomona College
Tufts University
University of Southern California
University of Virginia
Washington University-St Louis
Wellesley College</p>

<p>Universities that have produced one (1) Nobel prize winner
Brown University (1):
Craig Cameron Mello, Medicine</p>

<p>College of the Holy Cross (1):
Joseph Murray, Medicine</p>

<p>Georgia Institute of Technology (1):
Kary Banks Mullis, Chemistry</p>

<p>Grinnell College (1):
Thomas Robert Cech, Chemistry</p>

<p>Hamilton College (1):
Paul Greengard, Medicine</p>

<p>Michigan State University (1):
Alfred Day Hershey, Medicine</p>

<p>New York University (1):
George Wald, Medicine</p>

<p>Northwestern University (1):
Saul Bellow, Literature</p>

<p>Ohio State University (1):
William Alfred Fowler, Physics</p>

<p>United States Naval Academy (1):
Albert Abraham Michelson, Physics</p>

<p>University of California-Riverside (1):
Richard Royce Schrock, Chemistry</p>

<p>University of California-San Diego (1):
Bruce Beutler, Medicine</p>

<p>University of California-Santa Barbara (1):
Carolyn Widney Greider, Medicine</p>

<p>University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (1):
Robert F. Furchgott, Medicine</p>

<p>University of Notre Dame (1):
Eric F. Wieschaus, Medicine</p>

<p>University of Texas-Austin (1):
Edward Donnall Thomas, Medicine</p>

<p>To be continued...</p>

<p>Go Holy Cross ! HC’s pre-med program is fantastic.</p>