Where did Wisconsin’s state legislators go to college?

<p>Pretty interesting, though not necessarily surprising overview. UW-Madison leads the list with 40 legislators, with the second closest being UW-Milwaukee with 15.</p>

<p>Degrees</a> in the Statehouse: Wisconsin - Government - The Chronicle of Higher Education</p>

<p>It would be rare if we have someone in our legislature a graduate of Harvard, University of Texas, or University of Toronto, or UCLA. Even at this day and age, mobility of general public is still limited.</p>

<p>Makes sense that those interested in state politics will have strong ties to the state and many will have attended the flagship U. Here in the Midwest the schools on either coast are far less attractive/practical than those closer to home. Plus, with the reputation of UW-Madison there is less incentive to go OOS or to a private college.</p>