Where Do I Pay the SUNY Application fee?(Not what you think)Q's about Suny App

<p>So I submitted the regular suny application for binghamton and stony brook. under the payment option i put down EOP.
Binghamton emailed me just now saying I don't qualify for some reason....pretty bummed. My income falls under guidelines and my grades are well above the 50%......o well. Anyways so basically i didn't pay my application yet b/c i put the EOP option. So How exactly do i pay it now? is it when i submit my supplemental to Binghamton?</p>

<p>I know this is digressing form the discussion title but. I submitted my SOAR(Student Online Academic Record/report) where you input the courses taken. So in this input of my couses Inputted them this way</p>

<p>Biology 1-89 Course Length: Term 1(Fall)
Biology 2-92 Course Length: Term 2(Spring)</p>

<p>Basically it's the same class but b/c my transcript splits up the course into two different terms and grades I put the course length in Terms rather than Full year. Is this fine? </p>