Where do the students study?

<p>Is there a preferred library? Do they form study groups? Are you allowed to do homework together? </p>

<p>It may seem like strange questions but when I went to college I just remember doing nearly everything on my own.</p>

<p>My D studies at Bruno…the business library. She is NOT a business major (nutrition) but likes Bruno a lot. We told D that when she got to UA she needed to find a place to study that was not at the sorority (although she does spend time studying there as well) and was an alternative to her room. Her sorority actually has proctored study hall hours for the pledges at Bruno. I would encourage your S or D to find a space that they are comfortable with.<br>
As far as study groups I would encourage your child to become a part of one. It is always beneficial to hear another persons point of view and perceptions of the lesson. It can also help with outlines ect if it is divided up amongst several people.<br>
Ultimately I thin that each person needs to be responsible for completing their own homework assignment in order fro the learning process to take place. However I think it is perfectly fine to discuss homework and to ask questions of classmates if you need an explanation of a problem or a clarification.</p>

<p>There are many places to study…in one of the 5 libraries, in study rooms in buildings, in study rooms in dorms, or…simply in one’s own bedroom. There are also computer labs where kids study.</p>

<p>Some kids study in Starbucks…some study in small groups in the back area of Starbucks or across the aisle in The Ferg. I’ve seen kids studying in the back area of the new dining area in Lloyds Hall (there is a “back room”). There are also 5 or 6 computers available in the new Lloyds dining area for kids to use, if needed.</p>

<p>My D studies at Gorgas Library and Bruno. She has a few study groups and they have reserved rooms at different librarys in the past.</p>

<p>Last semester I think she put as her status in a relationship with Amelia Gorgas (main library) because she was there so much!</p>

<p>D studies in her room and in Gorgas Library (I know she has a favored place; possibly the basement.) I know on a couple of occasions she has used the study room on the floor of her room when her roommates were being social & loud and she had to get work done. </p>

<p>D has had a couple of group projects so she’s gotten together with fellow students to prep for those. I think she’s planning on a biology study group this semester, but only because a couple of her friends are in her class.</p>

<p>My son prefers his room. His suite mates are fairly quiet. He also has at least one class with each one, so there is usually someone with whom to study.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies! Omama, too funny, your D is in a relationship with Amelia Gorgas!</p>

<p>I imagine that my D will study in her room and with others in her building, but it’s nice to know there are other places around campus. </p>

<p>We toured a college back when D was a 9th grader. They told us of the different levels of noise that were tolerated on each floor of the library. In the basement you had to be …silent. The students would go so far as to turn their laptops on before they walked in so it wouldn’t make the “Windows startup” beeps.</p>

<p>Everyone has a different place that suits them. I study a lot in the CBH lab or on my bedroom floor. I tend to avoid Rodgers (the engineering library) because I find its often overrun with non-engineering majors and its not very quiet compared to some of the floors in Gorgas. Freshman year I studied with a group of friends in my classes in one of the study rooms in our dorm.</p>

<p>There are study rooms in the dorms? Are they in every dorm?</p>

<p>I can only vouch for Ridgecrest West. I’d think that they would be in all the honors dorms…</p>

<p>Most, if not all, dorms have study rooms. I know that the honors dorms do have study rooms/lounges.</p>

<p>I’ll usually study while sitting on my bed. I have studied in the Rogers and Bruno libraries when I really needed to concentrate. As for study groups, it really depends on the class. I had a study group for my calculus class, but not for my business classes, though I’ve had many group projects in my business classes.</p>