<p>Our are given in the basement of a church close to the school. It's a big room with about 12 rectangular tables, and everyone sits a few chairs apart. It was really hot in there today...</p>
<p>In my school, it depends on what exam it is and how many students there are. AP exams (like APUSH or AP Gov)that have a lot of students taking them take them in the gym but less popular subjects (AP spanish or Ap french) take them in the theater.</p>
<p>In my school, it depends on what exam it is and how many students there are. AP exams (like APUSH or AP Gov)that have a lot of students taking them take them in the gym but students in less popular subjects (AP spanish or Ap french) take them in the theater.</p>
<p>I am taking all of my exams in the school library this year. It really is the perfect place to take an AP exam.</p>
<p>Most are in a big lecture room-- but our chemistry exam is off campus somewhere, probably at the proctor’s house.</p>
<p>We go to a local college… it’s nice because there’s air conditioning there for those hot days. :D</p>
<p>It depends on the test. The history ones are usually given in one of the large history rooms. The math ones are taken in the math rooms of the teachers who teach it. The english, language, and science ones are usually taken in the library, which is annoying because they are the small rooms within the library, which have no windows, small, and humid >.<</p>
<p>History classroom, science computer lab</p>
<p>Ours is given in a church close to the school also…it’s like a 5 minute walk from the school</p>
<p>I get time-and-a-half (SSD-approved), so I get to test individually in a conference room. Everyone else gets to test in various locations. For the World, US History, and Govt exams, they’re in the gym. Stats and both Calculus tests are in the library. Other tests are given in an abandoned portable. Since we opened a brand-new classroom wing, those portables don’t have much use now.</p>
<p>I go to whatever classroom my school assigns me</p>
<p>Local community college.</p>
<p>At a church? Hurray for people who are taking AP Latin then lol</p>
<p>At school library…or sometimes a room that no one uses.</p>
<p>In the gym, or for the smaller classes, a classroom.</p>
<p>The school LGI (pretty much a large classroom designed to fit 2 classes), or the library if its the PM AP’s and school might end before the AP test.</p>
<p>Either in the gym, auditorium, or a classroom (depending on number of students taking the exam).</p>
<p>Eh…we probably have 700+ AP students at my school…if not more than 1000…so…yeah. LOTS of different testing sites.</p>
<p>Generally, four gyms are used, as well as our lecture hall, and possibly a few classrooms.</p>
<p>We take most of ours in our classroom. One of my tests is off-campus, though.</p>
<p>Gym for major tests (Euro AP) and library for smaller ones (French AP, which was today). Sucks when you take it during lunchtime; people are so noisy.</p>