Where might i end up next year?

<p>UCGPA : 3.86 w , 3.50 uw
SAT I : 1920
SAT II : Math IIC : 780
Chem :770
Physics : 720
US history : 670
AP Grades: Calc AB =5; Physics B=5; Chem =5
-Couple of math/physics awards
-MUN awards
-over 250+ hours of volunteering @ public library
-started with a couple of friends 2 new clubs : Indian Student Association and Physics Club

<p>UCSB: chemical engineering
UCIrvine: computer science
UCSD: chemical engineering
UCLA: chemical engineering
UCBerkeley: chemical engineering</p>

<p>Senior yr schedule
AP macro Econ/poli sci
AP stats
Ceramics I
English 4
Spanish 3</p>

<p>y is only uc irvine comp sci? is it because they have a better comp sci program? if thats the reason, no offense, u dont know what ur doing. u should pursue what u like. pretty sure u'll get into all of the uc's minus la and cal. 25/75 odds.</p>

<p>I picked compsci for UCI because this is the only UC that has its own computer science school.

<p>You need to stop posting chances.</p>

<p>^ i agree.....</p>