Where Should I Apply?

<p>junior, female from NJ
- have tutored a family of french girls for 3 years (since my frosh school) for 3-4 days after school.. we've grown so close and I think i will write my essay on my experience with them
- 3 year member of newspaper, editor as senior
- key club
- lacrosse
- french honor society
- national honor society
- Big sister to little boy in the town over (once a week meetings)
- AP/honors except in math
- "Team" - Church Youth Ministry (help lead retreats, give speeches, etc..)</p>

<p>-31 composite ACT (only took once w/o prep so hopefully will go up)
- 730 Biology E as a freshman, waiting on my LIT scores
- Taking AP tests in Lang & Comp and Bio next week so no scores
APs include (this year and next): AP US 1, AP US 2, AP EURO, AP LIT, AP LANG & COMP, AP BIO, AP STATS</p>

<p>4.28 w
4.0 uw</p>

<p>I WANT:
- <7000
- Preferably east coast, north of north carolina, but I'm open to anything except west coast
- LACs are good, but anything with English major works
- Preferably Greek, if not must have very active social atmosphere (not necessarily "nightlife" but dorm parties, etc.)
- No BIG cities (NYU, BU, etc = no good)</p>

<p>Please respond! Thanks! </p>

<p>I had an earlier thread. Suggestions included: Dartmouth, Colgate... but I need more.. reaches matches and safeties so PLEASE HELP</p>

<p>You might like Villanova University, University of Norte Dame, Boston College, and American University.</p>

<p>Thanks good suggestions</p>

<p>Duke (is North of North Carolina, I think)</p>

<p>Yes, I meant north carolina and north haha, thank you.</p>

<p>Rhodes in Memphis which is same latitude as North Carolina and has 1M people in the metro area. It’s 1700 students, LAC, about 50% greek, and your stats are a match.</p>


<p>Lehigh .</p>