Where should I live my freshman year?

<p>Hi, i was just admitted to Texas A&M for the fall of 2013. I was wondering where the best place to live for a freshman girl. Is the new northgate dorm for mostly upperclassmen. Also I am planning on rushing so is there a specific dorm or apartment that girls and boys who are planning to rush tend to stay in? Thanks!</p>

<p>I always think it is great if you can live on Campus your first year. You will find soroity girls in many of the dorms… The Commons is pretty popular, but so are the modulars. My D lives in a SouthSide Modular and she and several other girls on her floor went thru recruitment this fall. I am sure there will be openings in the new dorm for freshman. You won’t find a whole ton of upper classmen living on campus.
Off Campus my D has friends from her sorority in Traditions and Calloway</p>