<p>Hey, when people say things like "University whatever has one of the top ranked chemistry departments", where do they find such info? I know about the USNWR rankings obviously, but nothing else like specific departments. Also, what are some other major rankings besides USNWR?</p>
<p>for business: [Undergrad</a> - BSchools](<a href=“http://bwnt.businessweek.com/interactive_reports/undergrad_bschool/]Undergrad”>http://bwnt.businessweek.com/interactive_reports/undergrad_bschool/)</p>
<p>pretty clutch</p>
<p>USNWR ranks some departments.</p>
<p>The NRC departmental rankings are probably the gold standard. The NRC churns out the rankings about every ten years. The last ranking was in 1995.</p>
<p>[NRC</a> Rankings in Each of 41 Areas](<a href=“http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~jnewton/nrc_rankings/nrc41indiv.html]NRC”>http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~jnewton/nrc_rankings/nrc41indiv.html)</p>
<p>The new ones are scheduled to come out February.</p>
<p>hallowarts… the NRC is for academic terminal degree programs (e.g. Ph.D. or terminal Masters), and not undergrad or professional degree programs (LLD, MBA, MD). I don’t think that translates well to undergraduate biz school quality. I assume OP is interested in undergrad since the word “majors” was used.</p>
<p>Gourman Report</p>
<p>on CC, go to search, advanced, on the left type Gourman [name of department], on the right type collegehelp</p>
<p>Gourman Report favors research universities</p>
<p>for LACs, search under “Rugg’s”</p>
<p><a href=“http://premium.usnews.com/college/index.html[/url]”>http://premium.usnews.com/college/index.html</a></p>
<p>US News and World Report is a popular and easy method for looking up rankings such as those you are looking for, but I personally feel that they are inadequately broad and confusing in their methodology.</p>
<p>Agree with hallowarts that NRC is a good source for starting out.</p>
<p>There doesn’t seem much point in saying when the NRC rankings will come out, since they’ll probably just be delayed again. ;)</p>
<p>Yeah, early 2008 the new NRC publication was scheduled to come out in Fall 2008.</p>
<p>Does anyone do well respected overall rankings besides USNWR? I’d be curious to see how some different methodologies rank colleges.</p>
<p>Daniel-- there aren’t any well respected overall rankings.</p>
<p>No, really, there aren’t.</p>
<p>Daniel, [College</a> Ranking Service: Ranking Choices](<a href=“http://www.rankyourcollege.com/ranking.html]College”>College Ranking Service, A Peerless Evaluation of Colleges, rankyourcollege.com) is very reputable.</p>