Where to get class info BEFORE S.O.A.R.?


<p>My daughter is signed up to go to SOAR in a little over 2 weeks. We have not received much in depth info about how everything works as far as picking classes etc....</p>

<p>She HAS already done her placement test. When she called to find out the results, what she learned if she understands correctly is; "that she can skip english/comm 1, she can skip Spanish 1, and that in Math she should be in Calc 202 or similar."</p>

<p>I guess what I am wondering is; 1)where can you find a list ahead of time to see what some of the options are? 2)Is there a particular office that we could call to get some info on classes BEFORE we go to SOAR? 3) How rushed are things at SOAR when picking classes and are parents allowed with the students when doing this? 4)If she can skip english/comm 1 type of class, does that rule out the F.I.G.'s that all seem to have that as a component?</p>

<p>Thanks </p>


<p>I think that’s exactly what SOAR was designed for. Have all the data and answers at one time in one place. The class listing for Fall are here so you can do some looking.</p>

<p>[Office</a> of the Registrar - University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“http://registrar.wisc.edu/timetable/fall/]Office”>http://registrar.wisc.edu/timetable/fall/)</p>

<p>Go to the student center. Click on Search for Classes. Select Fall 2009-2010. There’s all the classes. You can select things like, Open to Freshman, satisfies Communication Part A, or search by Course Subject (which is really helpful), and you’ll even see what classes are open, what the pre reqs are, etc. She can even create a Wishlist of classes she would like to be enrolled in, and it will give her a schedule. Then when she gets to SOAR, she has to click one button when her enrollment time comes around, and she’s enrolled. If she doesn’t do that now, that’s what they’ll have her do when she gets there anyway. This way she’s got that down, and she can skip figuring it all out then, and just worry about the classes she wants. I think on one of the SOAR pages they even recommend doing this before hand.</p>

<p>Parents are not with the students on that second day while picking classes. Personally, that’s one thing I think parents should not be involved with at first. The students meet with an advisor one-on-one there, and there’s plenty of peer advisors so your help should not be needed, and it would probably create added stress. It’s not too rushed. I worked until the last minute, but that’s because I’m horribly indecisive (and in the long run, I didn’t listen to my advisor, which I really regret). Last year at my session there wasn’t enough computers for everyone to go on at once, but it wasn’t a big deal. Everyone got on one eventually.</p>

<p>In regards to 4, no it does not. In fact, with Comm A, a lot of people are against testing out of it because it introduces you to the University catalog system and so on. So yeah, she could even take it for kicks if she wanted to. </p>

<p>Also, did she try looking at her placement test scores online? They should be up by now. Go in the Student Center, click on My Academics, then Placement Tests Scores - View my scores. The results should be there. She can even view her AP test scores there earlier than what they’re mailed, if she took some this year. If the placement tests scores aren’t up now, they should be soon. For some reason no one is told that they’re up there before your SOAR session, and they are. I really wish they would tell students that.</p>

<p>Excellent advice in #3, Pathetique. I disagree with taking the English course mentioned. Most people don’t need skills classes, they can spend their time taking literature courses instead and learn to use the system more quickly on their own. </p>

<p>Mom- remember to let go, back off. This is your child’s show, there is no WE receiving information, your student gets to log in and find out a lot the general public (that includes parents) isn’t privy to. She, and anyone else, can look at the online catalog and timetable to check on courses required for any major and those she may be interested in. Also, after she registers, she can change her schedule at any time if she wants to. It is hard to be a parent when you have to stand by and let your child learn how to navigate the system herself. You can look things up for yourself, but she needs to figure out things for herself, with the help of an advisor who knows the courses and system much better than any of us parents, even alumni.</p>

<p>Be thankful you can participate in a parents program and that it is a month before classes- a lot of private schools hold theirs just before classes start- no time to absorb all of the information and decisions made. Hopefully your D will share her choices with you and not tell you it is none of your business (our son does share his schedule)- the hard part is to train yourself that much of the college experience is none of your business, it is your child’s. They need their independence. No more signing off on school schedules, et al.</p>

<p>I just want to add I agree with your disagreement of taking that English class wis75. lol I tested out (thankfully), but I know people who didn’t/did but took English 100 (one of the Comm A classes) anyway. Almost everyone said it was a waste of time, and the assignments were just… silly. And those “skills” they said would be learned in those classes? They were not taught. It’s true, it’s much easier to figure it out yourself in either case. It’s mostly advisors who say you should, to ease you in to college, but there’s only so much “easing” you can and should do.</p>

<p>But if you have to take it for a FIG you really want, don’t let that hold you back! Heck, I really wanted to take The Psychology of “South Park” FIG (which my friend said was more of the Philosophy of South Park, but I digress) even though I already had AP credit for two of the three classes, but I wasn’t living in Chad. :(</p>

<p>Choices have to be made- too many good classes to take, some are full, others meet at the same time… There is never enough time to take all of the interesting courses- although some try to be students forever.</p>

<p>Does anyone know why we can’t view S’s placement test scores? He took the tests in April. Is it because we just paid the SOAR fees yesterday? Nothing comes up under the My Academics tab-not even a tab for placement scores. Not sure if we should just wait, contact the help site or SOAR.</p>