Where to go with a 2.6 GPA?

<p>Agree but the calculus part.
You see, c+ in algebra however a 600 in SAT math…
That score is totally irrelevant.</p>

<p>I graduated high school with a 2.89 and an ACT score of 21 (From California).
I had sub-par classes and only 1 year of a foreign language.</p>

<p>I got accepted to:
University of Arizona ($15,000 Scholarship)
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
University of Illinois - Chicago
Boise State University
Northern Illinois University</p>

<p>I had a 2.0 going into my junior year then I decided to turn things around and got a 3.7 and 3.2 my next two semesters. Senior year I got 3.0 both semesters.
He really needs to start doing volunteer work to help him stand out and he needs to write a good essay.
I only sent my essay to the University of Arizona and they gave me a scholarship.
I really wish I would’ve sent it to the other schools, I probably could’ve gotten some nice scholarships from them too.
He’ll have an easier chance getting into out-of-state schools.
Every school is disparate for money now, and out-of-state students bring in the most money.</p>


<p>Which program did you apply to ? Not engineering.</p>

<p>I agree in looking at some schools they are looking to have more diverisity in their incoming classes. Iowa State is one that comes to mind. The state schools and small LACS in MN, WI, Iowa may fit the bill. Just be sure he can handle the winters it can be a shock!</p>

<p>If you are considering WUE schools, University of Montana or Montana State could be good choices. Sports are big with them and have good social scenes and lots of outdoorsy things available if he’s in to that. And WUE really does bring the price down a lot here so even if uncle stopped paying it might still work.</p>