<p>When listing awards what are some good things to mention and what is too much info. For example, I know that things such as AP Scholar, National Merit, etc. as well as the more prestigious USAMO, Siemens, etc. are often included without doubt. But what of those smaller awards? For example, awards within different clubs (like say, academic team: 1st in the region or 2nd, 5th, 9th, 12th at regional/state math competition) and departmental awards (top student in AP chem, etc.). </p>
<p>I have many awards associated with clubs, however not all of them are incredibly spectacular (although most students in certain clubs lack even those). But I don't know whether to list the slightly less significant ones (a 10th place in a large math competition rather than one in the top 3).</p>
<p>With the departmental awards, they are given out each year to the top student in a class (one award) and some recognizable students (another award). Is it worth it to mention these (I have racked up about 18 or so with half being the former).</p>
<p>What are other kinds of awards that should be listed?</p>
<p>Thanks for all the help! I really appreciate any input.</p>