<p>I'm not sure of what film school to go to. I have finally narrowed it down to the Art Center College of Design and the San Francisco Art Institute. Does anybody have an opinion?</p>
<p>Yea, I have a similar dilemma. Acadamy of Art University or Art Center of Design....</p>
<p>//Yea, I have a similar dilemma. Acadamy of Art University or Art Center of Design....//</p>
<p>Either one; you will make or break your education, not either of these two. Pick the one that offers the most attractive environment, living conditions, and perhaps scholarship money or financial aid.</p>
<p>//Either one; you will make or break your education, not either of these two.//</p>
<p>I don't really understand what you're trying to say... Are you trying to say that both schools are a let down?, so i should pick either one?</p>
<p>i think what they were trying to say is that regardless of school, film is one of those majors that you really can't predict the outcome of your future..</p>
<p>i honestly don't know why you would want to go to an art school for film. from my understanding the best film programs are at usc, ucla, and nyu.</p>
<p>true_layce: no school can guarantee you success; only you can.
i think that's what RainingAgain was saying.
liek0860: again--no school can guarantee you success; only you can.
what, should filmmaker hopefuls give up and become accountants if they don't like any of those 3 schools?</p>