Which California State school should I apply to?

<p>I would love to attend a university out in California and am not sure of which one would most likely accept me.
Gender: Female
Race/ethnicity: White/Irish
Location: Colorado
Cumulative GPA: 3.2
Top 30-40%
Course Load: Consisting mainly of honors and AP classes only.
PLAN (pre-ACT, will be taking the real test in April)-25
Am top 1% in Writing/Reading in Colorado.</p>

<p>I have been involved in Colorguard and Winterguard for three years and am currently captain.
Hoping to start a reading assistance programs in Denver public schools where the reading scores are lower.</p>

<p>Teachers usually describe me as quite, strong work ethics, and someone that takes recieving an education seriously.</p>

<p>Ummmm if you live out of state you chances at any just droped
but that doesnt mean you wont get in, since your gpa is low but your
courseload looks to be very rigours that could get you into ucsb,ucm,uci
The other ehhh not so much because being out of state really makes a differnce.</p>

<p>You are asking a very broad question. Are you asking only about California Public universities? If so, there are 9 undergraduate University of California campuses and 23 California State Universities. With a 3.2 GPA, you may not be qualified for a University of California - there is an out of state minumum GPA requirement of 3.4. Check the UC website to reseacrch the very specific course and GPA requirements [University</a> of California - Admissions - The University of California offers one of the broadest ranges of study of any institution of higher learning in the world, all at an affordable price.](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/]University”>Admissions | University of California)</p>

<p>Research the California State Universities here [url=<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>http://www.csumentor.edu/]CSUMentor[/url</a>] You would be qualified for several of those campuses.</p>

<p>There are also many private universities in California. You would need to research a bit to narrow down your question for you to get helpful answers.</p>

<p>i would look to improve that GPA first, do lots of PSAT’s, do the ACT SAT and study your ass off. get good scores on those and you could ahve a shot at SOME UC’s. </p>

<p>but by the way there are 2 different systems. </p>

<p>1 University of California (9)
2 California State Universities (23)
plus lots of private schools</p>

<p>CSU’s are easier to get into (generally) with some exceptions. </p>

<p>Do some research. dont just sign up for a school in cali cuz its in cali. california is huge and the beach doesnt go the entire width of the state. nor cal and so cal are like different countries in weather, culture, and society.</p>

<p>Sorry for asking a broad question, I meant to put what colleges I was looking for but apparently failed to do so. I am interested in California State University Long Beach, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, and SDSU because I feel as though I fit well with their requirements. Colleges mainly in SoCal are of great interest to me as I know the area very well. Public colleges only.
Also, I have signed up for two different test prep courses for the ACT and SAT so hopefully that will help out a lot with my chances.</p>

<p>EnglishNerd, have you calculated your UC GPA? As I mentioned above, the out of state minimum to be eligible to be considered for admission is 3.4. </p>

<p>To calculate UC GPA:</p>

<p>-Use only 10th and 11th grade
-Use only academic classes that fall into the A-G requirements (see UC website linked above)
-Add a bonus GPA point only for AP classes - out of state applicants do not weight honors classes. You may only add the extra GPA point for up to four year-long AP courses (8 semesters), only two of which may be in 10th grade.</p>

<p>You also must have all the A-G requirements (see UC website) to be eligible to be considered for admissions.</p>

<p>For the CSUs, you do not have to have a 3.4, but you must have all the A-G requirements.</p>

<p>What are you trying to major in?</p>

<p>English/Creative writing and Mass Communications</p>