Which cell phone service provider at Midd?

<p>Does anybody know exactly which service providers work in Middlebury? I'm interested in getting an iPhone in about a month and I was wondering if ATT works up there. I know they don't have their own tower but maybe you could just pull from other companies' towers.</p>

<p>If you don't know specifically which companies work, has anybody (students) seen people using iPhones or know people who have them? If so ATT must work.</p>

<p>There isn't any coverage with AT&T in the area... iPhones work, but only if you activate them in an area with AT&T and have some percent of your calls made in areas with AT&T. Verizon is the best carrier (I'm from VT and have never had any issues anywhere in the state) and Unicel also provides coverage. The best coverage to have here is Verizon with in-calling because pretty much everyone has Verizon, which means lots of free calls.</p>

<p>I have Sprint; it works.</p>

<p>I have never seen an iPhone on campus, we're not really into technogadgets. Most people have Verizon (works) and a few have Sprint.</p>

<p>I have ATT service - it works great in every location but the bottom of the science hall. There are some people with iPhones, some with Blackberries, others with beat-up pieces of crap like mine… I don’t think phones make much difference with status.</p>

<p>There is a Verizon store that’s a 10-minute walk from campus, as opposed to the ATT store, which is only reachable by car.</p>

<p>I visited Middlebury a couple of months ago with my iphone. I got “E” service pretty much everywhere, but not “3G” service.</p>

<p>I have an iphone, and it works. I never had to do anything special to activate it.</p>

<p>Verizon cell phone reception is terrible. You have to be outside of a building and even then the reception breaks up.</p>

<p>I’ve never had a problem with Verizon… The only place I sometimes get a sketchy signal is in the bottom floor of the library, but that’s not exactly somewhere you want to be talking on the phone anyway.</p>