Which college should I go to?

<p>Should I go to:</p>

<p>UT Austin(no scholarship)
Texas A&M(34k)
Texas Tech(full ride)</p>

<p>for undergrad (pre-med)</p>

<p>Considering the cost of med school, the full ride at Tech is definitely hard to pass up. My uncle’s a surgeon and he went there and he is doing just fine (that’s an understatement). As long as you don’t mind living in Lubbock…</p>

<p>Location is not a problem for me. </p>

<p>But, will Texas Tech as much chance for Baylor and UT Southwestern as the other 2?</p>

<p>If anything, Texas Tech would give you a better chance. I assume you would be in the honors program at Tech?</p>

<p>If you don’t care about location (gosh Austin beats them all though!) go to Tech. Be happy and know you’re saving a lifetime of debt!</p>

<p>Csnerd: yes, I will be in tech’s honors program</p>

<p>Going to UT or TAMU will not give you an admissions advantage to med school so go to Tech for the full ride, research opportunities (honors student) and easier A’s.</p>