Which college to apply to as Math major

Hello, I am a high school Junior currently taking Multivariable Calc, Linear Algebra, and Differential Eqs classes. Next semester I will be taking Combinatorics and Graph Theory along with Proof Writing. For next year I will be taking Complex and Intro to Real Analysis along with Probability and Set Theory. Having these as prerequisites and looking to major in mathematics what would be the best programs to apply to.

Given how advanced in math you are - the classes you are taking are college sophomore-level math major classes, potentially edging into the beginning of junior year - you’re likely going to want to go to a university with a graduate math department. You’re probably going to run into a situation in your own junior year of college (maybe slightly earlier) where you need to take graduate-level math classes to keep growing.

Other than that…there are lots of different other factors that go into college choice. What other parameters do you have for your college search? Location, size, student life?

Also important: cost constraints, family financial situation, and state of residency?

There are dozens of colleges with great math departments. Are you interested in pure or applied math? How are your grades and test scores? Are you taking these courses in college? Can these credits be transferred? There are a lot of variables that could influence your college choice.

I am interested in Pure Mathematics and yes I am taking these at a University near me.

Start with a talk with your parents about college costs. Too many students have had to throw away their lists after finding out what their parents will contribute. Or worse, find that most or all if their admission offers are unaffordable.