Which Colleges Allow "Stacking" of Outside Scholarships w/ Institutional Grant?

Most of the schools I’m looking to apply to next year (I’m a junior) are private colleges in New England, however after running the Net Price Calculator on a lot of them, the cost of these schools is just too high for me to justify applying. However, I recently stumbled upon this old thread: Federal regulations regarding outside scholarships and overawards (and why they reduce need) - #29 by planner03 and it brought up something I hadn’t considered before. For some schools, instead of outside scolarships reducing the institutional grant (after reducing the student loan/work portion) they actually allow students to stack outside scholarships with institutional grants which would mean that I could afford to go to some of these schools. The specific college mentioned in the above thread was Colgate, and as far as I can tell, their stacking policy is still in place. Additionally, I know Pomona allows for a 50/50 scenario where outside scholarships are split evenly between the institutional grant and the parent contribution, so I was just wondering if anyone knew of colleges (preferably a liberal arts school in the north east) where a stacking policy like Colgate’s is in place?

Thread from last year:

It’s worth keeping in mind that the vast majority of scholarship money comes from the schools themselves, and that very few people receive large scholarships from other sources. Outside scholarships are typically small and nonrenewable (i.e., good only for your first year), so you probably shouldn’t rule out schools simply because they don’t stack – or, at least, you probably shouldn’t rule them out unless you wind up winning one of the tiny number of large national scholarships that are out there.