Which colleges to send in AP scores??

I was wondering about my AP scores and which colleges to officially send the scores in. My one friend told me that she self-reported all her scores on the common app, but only sent in an official score report from College Board to the school she was going to so she could get the credit. However, another friend told me that along with her self-reported scores on the common app, she also sent in an official copy from the College Board of all her AP scores to all the colleges she applied. So, I was debating which should I do? Also, what would look better and help my application? Should I send in an official report of my AP scores + self-report? or just self-report and wait till my college decision to send in an official copy?

You should self-report and then send in an official copy to the school you decide to attend!

That friend is correct. Unless a specific college tells you differently (very rare), follow that friend’s advice.

Ok! Thanks to both of you!