which department

<p>How does admissions to, say Management or Physical and Mathematical Sciences compare to the rest?</p>

<p>Which department(s) are in need of applicants?</p>

<p>The College of Management has become a very popular major. It would be a safe bet to say that it has more applicants than College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. I would say Engineering, Management, and College of Design (architecture) are hardest to get into.</p>

<p>Colleges with fewest applaicants would be:</p>

<p>the College of Textiles</p>

<p>The College of Natural Resources (which includes the College of Forestry plus lots of other interesting majors)</p>

<p>Some of the Agriculture majors</p>

<p>College of Humanities and Social Sciences</p>

<p>Some of the majors that fall under the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences</p>

<p>First Year College</p>

<p>If you are interested in NCSU, you should go to the NCSU website and check out the whole list of undergrad. majors. Some fall under Colleges that you might not expect. For instance the Criminology major is in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.</p>

<p>When you apply to NCSU you list your first and second choice of majors but you do it by the exact name of the major, not the College it falls under.
For instance you would put "Chemistry" under first choice major not College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences even though that is the college that chemistry is a part of. Some majors within a college are in higher demand than others.</p>

<p>Remember, it's not carved in stone. I know a freshman this year who applied to the College of Textiles and was accpeted but later decided she wasn't sure and switched to First Year College before she even set foot on the campus.</p>