Which dorm? Ogg or Sellery?

<p>I'm having a tough time deciding which one I want to live in next year. I'm a transfer student, who wants to live in a social dorm like Sellery, but I heard that Ogg is a lot nicer and has more transfer students where Sellery is more of a freshman dorm. I Sellery for the social and partying scene but I like Ogg for having more people that are my age and it is a much nicer dorm. Which one?</p>

<p>Maybe it’s different for transfer students, but I understand for Freshman, excluding Learning Communities, < 15% get their first choice dorm. My understanding is that Ogg is social, but a little quieter cause 50% of residents are sophomores+ with friends with apartments, so they head their for the fun.</p>

<p>First consideration is the higher cost of Ogg. The rooms/bathrooms are a bit different as well. Rank them 1-2 and be prepared to get the second or even another choice. No matter where you end up you can have a great UW experience.</p>

<p>Links to more information:</p>

[Ogg</a> Hall-Information | University Housing at UW-Madison](<a href=“http://www.housing.wisc.edu/ogg/info]Ogg”>http://www.housing.wisc.edu/ogg/info)</p>

<p>Room Size 21x12 (30% larger than Sellery)</p>

[Sellery</a> Hall | University Housing at UW-Madison](<a href=“http://www.housing.wisc.edu/sellery]Sellery”>http://www.housing.wisc.edu/sellery)</p>

<p>Room Size 16x12</p>

<p>Ogg sizes include a walk in closet- there is a reason they cost more. I just clicked on the Ogg link and went to sites from there. Good charts for all of the dorms with amenities and distances - room sizes, food, SERF/Nat, unions, closest libraries. You pick being close to the Lakeshore path or the Kohl Center (Southeast dorms). Tradeoffs for every dorm- you have to prioritize what matters most. I wouldn’t worry about classrooms- you will be all over campus and you can’t know if your course will be in its departmental building, either.</p>

<p>I currently live in Sellery. If you choose to live here, you will be meeting pretty much all freshmen. It has been a really fun year but I would go for Ogg if I was in your situation. I personally wouldn’t want to live with almost exclusively freshmen. Ogg’s rooms are also much nicer and bigger. My friends in Ogg put up 2 beer pong tables in their room every weekend, while my room can hardly handle a single table. Just to give you an idea of the sizes. Feel free to message me if you have any real specific questions I might be able to answer as a current resident. Best of luck and welcome to Wisconsin.</p>