Which Honors Dorms have covered parking?

<p>I know I read the answer somewhere, but I just can’t remember where. My eyeball rolling son requested I come to CC for the answer. I smugly assured him you guys would have the info in 24 hours or less…</p>

<p>Pretty sure it’s Ridgecrest South. :)</p>

<p>Yes, Ridgecrest South has a multi level garage. We parked there and took a tour of the dorm. You do have to pay, I think it was an automated machine and cost $5.</p>

<p>Students with a residential parking permit ($260 I think) can park in Ridgecrest South’s parking deck free of charge. I live in Riverside and I’ve parked at Ridgecrest before without having to pay a fee. You just scan your ACT card and that’s it. No charge to your student account or anything either.</p>

<p>Yes…students with the right parking pass don’t pay extra to park in Ridgecrest South. I’m not sure which kids can all park there. I believe it’s the yellow permit.</p>

<p>Thanks. You guys rock - beat the 24 hour deadline by a mile!</p>

<p>M2CK - 35K posts - Whoop, Whoop!</p>

<p>Proudmama3 the parking deck you are talking about is the Ferg parking deck. The parking deck for Ridgecrest South is beneath the dorm itself and is three levels. The levels have three separate entrances/exits because they are not connected. Anyone with a yellow parking permit is allowed to park in this deck. I know all of the Ridgecrest buildings are yellow and I am pretty sure Riverside is also. Not all of the parking in the deck is covered, and there is a lot in between the Ferg and Ridgecrest that is also a yellow zone. A yellow parking permit is required to be displayed in the vehicle and the ACT card allows entrance to those who have the yellow parking permit.</p>

<p>How safe do students feel are the covered/enclosed parking areas, esp late at night?</p>

<p>There is no way into the parking without having the required parking permit access on your ACT card even through the walk thru door. The sides of the building are secured with cables so the access is controlled. There is a security tower outside the deck and security patrols the deck and campus in addition to cameras. You cannot even get into the stairwells or elevator to get to the deck without the appropriate permit on the ACT card. Some areas are better lit than others. The third level fills up the quickest thus probably has the most activity. I would say it is about as safe as you will find.</p>

<p>Any comment on theft/vandalism/break-ins regarding cars on campus? Our local University has a lot of issues with break-ins, esp. vehicles with ‘soft tops’.</p>

<p>The worst thing I am aware of is someone bending a few car tags in the Riverside lot one night during first semester, but I’ve not heard of any problems in the covered lot. We noticed some broken bottles in the Ferg deck after the LSU game. I’m sure things happen that I’m not aware of like they do most places since no place is completely immune to crime, but I think you’ll find the covered deck especially safe with the cameras. There are security officers stationed in several areas and there is/was an office for a UA police officer to the left of the lobby in RCS. I’ve seen him around quite a few times within the Ridgecrest buildings.</p>

<p>If you are concerned with safety, check out the Guardian program available for smart phones. You’ll find it on MyBAMA. It allows students to enter a code on their phone which contacts police and sends GPS location and a picture. Additionally, they can program their phone when walking alone at night to let UA police know where they are leaving and where they are going. They have to enter a code in a certain length of time or it contacts the police. My D has found the buddy system to be all she needs to stay safe when walking around in the evening (in conjunction with using common sense about when/where she goes).</p>

<p>Personally, I’ve never heard of any, but that doesnt’ mean much. I doubt the area is “break in” free. But it doesn’t seem to be a target for such theft. Police patrol a LOT!</p>

<p>I would never leave anything of value in a car on campus or elsewhere…that just asking for trouble. lol</p>

<p>Even if I had to leave something of value in a trunk, I would put it in the trunk PRIOR to parking so no one would see me putting it (computer, purse, etc) in the trunk.</p>

<p>parking lot break-ins are typically by people who lay low in parked cars and watch who puts things in trunks and who leaves their car without a purse and such. Then as soon as you leave, bam, break a window and steal. </p>

<p>My sister recently attended a night church function and left her purse in the car and just took in wallet and keys. Someone broke the window and took her purse. The cops said that the MO is thieves watching from a parked car and then striking when opportunity arises. A similar thing happened to a friend who put her purse in her trunk and then went in the gym to watch a high school basketball game. The fact that ONLY her trunk was broken into, was proof that the thieves had seen her put her purse in the trunk.</p>

<p>I would feel very safe in Riverside South parking structure…you can’t just walk in. it has garage doors…not just a gate that goes up. To gain access you must swipe a card.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of any either, but you’re right about thieves watching. In our hometown they were watching shoppers leave Best Buy and following them to their next stop before breaking into their cars. I guess that gives a new definition to window shopping, huh?</p>