Which is better for Undergraduate Mathematics- NYU CAS or NYU Tandon?

Hi Guys!

On Common App, one of the questions NYU has is which is my campus of interest- College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) or Tandon School of Engineering?

I am an Indian high school senior and want to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and the reason NYU is my top college is for Courant Institute- renowned for its reputation, research and faculty in Applied Math and Machine Learning. Even in my NYU essay, I have talked mostly about why I want to study in Courant and why NY City would be great for me.

Had I applied to NYU a few years back, I would have chosen CAS over Tandon because Courant is a part of CAS. But as of 2017, Tandon’s Math department is now a part of Courant too!

I checked the course content online for both colleges. CAS is focussed on pure Math and offers a BA, while Tandon offers a lot of Engineering Math and gives a BS. I like both pure and applied Math, so I don’t know which is better. Isn’t B.S more prestigious?

Also, don’t we have like a bunch of core requirements to complete in humanities, arts, etc. for CAS? Do we have such a core in Tandon too? I would prefer to skip such classes. And which one of the 2 is tougher to get in? Anybody with data on selectivity of CAS vs Tandon?

Finally, the most important thing that matters to me is the quality of teaching and opportunities in research and Math olympiads. Which of CAS and Tandon would offer me both? Which is better overall for studying Math? And which one is better for Computer Science (coz I’d like to minor in CS)?
Help me, anyone??

Perhaps ask in the NYU subforum http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/new-york-university/

Can you afford NYU?
