Which is Easier: American Gov. or Euro History?

<p>Which AP course is easier to score high on: American Government or European History? I have to take either one or the other next year...so I was wondering.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>American Gov- 9% test takers get a 5, avg is like a 2.9
Euro- about 20%, avg is like a 3.2 ( i think)</p>

<p>Euro would be statistically easier to score high on</p>

<p>I haven't taken American Gov yet, but I can say from experience that the Euro exam is definetly NOT difficult. I got a 5, but many people in my class who barely any of the work managed to easily pull of a 4 or a 5 without very much studying... that made me wonder why I actually studied for that exam! Anyways, I personally find European History much more interesting that American Gov! Take Euro!</p>

<p>Thanks! I was expecting Euro to be a lot harder than American Gov, mainly because...there are so many European countries to know about.</p>

<p>Euro History is a very general survey of the countries, not as much info to know as you would think.</p>

<p>European History.</p>

<p>European history is by far the harder course, a lot of history to cover. Government is a fairly easy class you can master with a prepbook, and there is not much to remember.</p>

<p>Government is usally an easier class than European but the exam is a bit more challenging. The reason is that a lot of people stuff all of the information in a semester and a lot of the material and questions on the exam are trivial. I know a lot of people who get straight fives except gov they get a four.</p>

<p>American Govt= so much easier than european History..</p>

<p>American govt question = what did the 8th amendment say</p>

<p>no way, ap american government is harder than ap european history. euro is about facts basically. government, you actually have to understand concepts and how the system works and stuff. i find ap government hard.</p>

<p>i think they are both very easy, relative to other aps</p>

<p>AP Government is far easier. Think about it: it's a semester, whereas Euro is a full year. A prep book is really all you need to get a 3 or 4; if you want a 5, you should probably get a textbook. But really, there isn't much memorization, and the concepts are not difficult.</p>

<p>i concur with ruella</p>

<p>ap euro was a beast. This class is not for the faint of heart. Too many kings and queens with the same names but from different countries!</p>

<p>AP Government is so easy, it shouldn't even be an AP. It's an absolute joke.</p>