Which is easier to get into: School of Engineering or School of Science

I am interested in Purdue’s Computer related majors, and am equally interested in their Electrical & Computer Engineering major, which is in the School of Engineering, or their Computer Science major, which is in their School of Science. My question is, which is easier to get into?

Engineering is currently less competitive for admission than CS in the College of Science… But…

If you apply to engineering, there is a common first year engineering curriculum and then a competitive transition to major process at the end of freshman year. ECE is one of the most popular majors and therefore, one of the most competitive. You need a 3.2 engineering index (basically your GPA for engineering courses only so - engineering design, math, physics, CS) to transition to ECE.

My understanding is that curriculums and focus are quite different so do a deeper dive into the course requirements to see if your resume aligns better with one or the other.

I’d suggest you do some research and figure out what you really want to do. CS and ECE are different, despite the similarities in the name. Really wanting to be a CS major but applying to Engineering because it’s ‘easier to get in’ doesn’t get you where you want to be. And transferring in either direction between these two is difficult - more so than the 3.2 Freshman GPA.