<p>...math/science/computer science major, humanities majors, business majors and engineering majors smirk at you.</p>
<p>...humanities major, math/science/computer science majors, engineering majors, business majors smirk at you.</p>
<p>...finance/business/accounting major, math/science/computer science majors, engineering majors and humanities majors smirk at you.</p>
<p>...engineering major, humanities majors and business majors smirk at you. It is possible that math/science/computer science majors either ignore you, hate you or show you some respect.</p>
<p>And I am sure we could build some sort of diagram to illustrate the way different majors respond to other majors.</p>
<p>I want to find the major that is the least smirked at.</p>
<p>What college do y’all go to where all your majors are being smirked at? Sheesh. I go to NYU and we have school called Gallatin School of Individualized Study where people make up their own majors. We have Tisch School of the Arts where people major in Music, specific instruments, Theatre, Dance, Film-making. We have a business school, a liberal arts college, a college of culture/communication, a school of social work, etc…I honestly have never heard anyone say HAHAHH YOU’RE MAJORING IN THAT?!</p>
<p>Sure, we have snooty Engineers and stuck-up Business majors and annoying artsy Tisch kids, but most people just accept others majors without smirking, looking down on them, or being rude. I’m an Econ major and I have some Math/Physics/Business majors in my Calc class, they don’t smirk at me…I’m doing a NeuroSci minor, the science students in that class don’t smirk at me…I’m doing an IR minor, the Humanities students in that class don’t smirk at me…I don’t smirk at any of them, either, because I realize that if everyone did the same thing, society wouldn’t be able to function. Except for Latin, that’s just useless. </p>
<p>I think I have a pretty neutral major. I’ve met people (math/sci/engineers) who think it’s relatively easy, and others (the artsy kids) who think it’s insanely hard because it involves math other than addition and subtraction.</p>
<p>Latin is not useless, so stop calling it that. It is the root of the Romance and English languages, and my English teacher has admited to only learning English grammar well after she has started to learn Latin. And rich people are seeking Latin teachers for their kids. As a career, I wouldn’t focus it on Latin, but I can think of far more “useless” subjects to study. </p>
this is getting too complicated. any right minded person wouldn’t care too much. know that everything you do, there will be someone with differences. i can’t really think of anything every one thinks is good. it’s silly to even try.</p>
<p>43211234 - I know it’s the root of the Romance languages, but so what? You don’t need to learn Latin to understand them. I studied Latin for 3 years in high school, thinking it would be useful when I go to Law school and have to learn all those terms, thinking it would help me with my SAT’s, thinking it would help me with my Italian…it didn’t. I’m sure there are more useless things to study, but that doesn’t redeem the usefulness of Latin in my eyes. If you love Latin and want to study it, more power to ya, but let’s not pretend it’s particularly useful these days…I suppose we need scholars to translate newly discovered historical documents to Latin though. I bet many Latin majors are pre-Law.</p>
<p>Isn’t this the same OP who started the thread asking why people smirk at math majors? My apologies if I’m mistaken, but if you are the same OP, maybe you should consider getting some therapy for your major insecurities (no pun intended) ;)</p>
<p>people may smirk at your medieval history degree…until they realize that you make a few hundred thousand a year as an anesthesiologist. =P True story. </p>
<p>idk man, no one at my school smirks. probably because most of our majors/concentrations are pretty ~useless to anyone outside the college, so we get enough smirking from those people.</p>
<p>Molly-no we don’t. Up until last year, we didn’t even HAVE an engineering program. :)</p>
<p>If people look down on my econ major, I tell them I’ll go to law school, join a law firm and make $195k the for the first year at 26 years old. That usually shuts them up. Well unless there are any stuck up business majors within earshot. In which case I’ll mention that concrete doesn’t decide to be cushy and soft one day and rock hard the next and gooey the day after that. People do.</p>
<p>not in this economy you’re not. I thought that beginning lawyers at the top, top firms (top 3, not sure) might make that much but not the average starting lawyer. Or are you talking about being really specialized (might take more training)?</p>
<p>“If people look down on my econ major, I tell them I’ll go to law school, join a law firm and make $195k the for the first year at 26 years old. That usually shuts them up.”</p>
<p>That might be true if you are in top 1% of law school graduates.</p>
I’m a freshman and I’ve met snooty frosh engineers - I didn’t know we recently got an Engineering program!
Well I’m pre-Law as well, and an Econ major. I’d like to add that there’s no way you’ll be making that much outta Law school! I have a family friend who graduated from Yale Law recently and is making $120k right now - pretty good, but way less than what you’re expecting. Don’t forget Yale Law is the #1 Law school, most people don’t expect that much.</p>
<p>If those Sternies laugh at you for being an Econ major, laugh in their face - at most colleges, Business is considered the easiest, esp Business Administration - it’s just at NYU where we get these Business pricks who think they’re geniuses. My boyfriend’s in Stern and some of his friends are like that. (he’s not)</p>
<p>It used to be Law schools were run like Med schools - meant for intelligent people so we wouldn’t have incompetent doctors/attorneys. Now there’s a whole 3rd and 4th tier of Law schools - makes no sense! Of course 3rd/4th tier Med school’s don’t exist, the govt makes sure of that. The supply of lawyers has exceeded the demand, and I bet a lot of those 3rd/4th tier schools will be shut down as people realize there’s too many law students, not enough jobs, and the ones from top tier schools aren’t the ones struggling to get jobs. :)</p>