Which makes a better Washington State Safety for CS? Western or Washington State?

I am a Washington state resident looking to get a bachelors in CS.

I have a 3.9+ GPA and 33 ACT (Yes I am applying to UW Seattle). However I am looking for safeties in my state should finance, or application, or homesickness, or parents become an issue. In order to conserve resources it looks like I will be only choosing one Washington safety.

Does anyone have some insight on the CS programs at Western Washington University, and Washington State University.

These are factors that I care about (in order of importance)

  1. How many CS classes can I get in 4 years, do requirements for liberal arts get in the way of my focus
  2. Is the program advanced? Do they cover relevant topics?
  3. Do they have research?
  4. Are class sizes small and frequently available. Is it easy to get into the class you want?
  5. Do they have good programs in Graphics, Cybersecurity/hacking, and AI

I realize that it is unlikely either of these schools fits those goals perfectly but they are safeties. I just need help figuring out which one is better.

Your questions should all be answerable by looking on the web sites of each school’s CS department, degree requirements, course catalog, and on-line schedule of classes.