<p>Which of the prominent law schools offer full-tuition scholarships? I know NYU does, but are there any others? I know Harvard doesn't. . .</p>
<p>YHS do not give free rides. NYU, Columbia, UPenn, UMichigan do. There may be others that do too, but these are the ones I'm familiar with. However, these are very limited in number and it's very competitive. Moreover, some aren't as free as they look at first blush. For example, one of the free ride scholarships at NYU requires that you do public interest work for 10 years after graduation. If you don't, you pay back an amount proportionately. (So if you switch to private practice after 5 years, you owe half.) The other I know about at NYU is for those who are interested in law school teaching. If you don't teach, you have to repay the $. </p>
<p>It's more realistic to think about getting SOME merit $$$ by going to a law school several notches below where you can than to plan on getting a free ride at a top school. ALL the "kids" I know who got free rides at the scvhools I named--they are kids to me--got into law schools at the YHS level too and had to choose.</p>
<p>From what I gathered reading Law School Discussion website, George Washington was pretty generous in awarding full scholarships this past admission cycle. Many of the kids on the LSD site were initially very excited about that prospect, but alot of them ultimately turned down the offer and accepted spots at T-14 schools.<br>
But GW is certainly no slouch, so for many--it would be an offer to consider.</p>