Which physics sequence do most pre Meds do?

I am interested in the Nutritional Biochemstry and Metabolism major. The three options for physics are
Introductory Physics I 4
or PHYS 121 General Physics I - Mechanics
or PHYS 123 Physics and Frontiers I - Mechanics

Which one is the easiest/recommended for pre Med? Also, if you go for the BA degree you can only take either introductory or general physics, which one would you recommend as going for the BA gets you out of calc 3 and DiffEq.
Sorry if this was already posted but I couldn’t find it.
Also, do most people do Orgo 323 or intro Orgo 223? Thanks

Case puts out a lot of written and video information for first years. You should receive an email with FYR (first year registration) information otherwise just google it. Here is the link to some helpful videos that will address your questions. https://case.edu/ugstudies/students/first-year-students/online-information-sessions/#d.en.116348
Here is the general page for undergraduate studies https://case.edu/ugstudies/students/first-year-students/

@SweetTea thank you… I should have mentioned I’m only an incoming senior in high school not a freshman at case.

@pitt2021 I just looked over the videos and you should watch the Arts and Sciences: Biological Sciences which does address the major you are considering.


Take Phys 121…123 is the “honors” version.
