Which Residenece Hall do YOU want to be in?

<p>This is basically a thread for everyone to share the residence hall(s) they want to be in during the 2011-2012 school.</p>

<p>As for me, I really want to be in Liz Waters or Adams. Liz Waters is huge, pretty central location, and it has dining services right in the hall! Adams has the International Learning Community. Definitely need to be in the Lakeshore area though.</p>

<p>What about you?</p>

<p>Reviving an old topic,</p>

<p>What’s everyone’s take on the LLC @ Bradley? - how helpful they are, how nice Bradley is, etc.</p>

<p>I have quite a few friends that go to UW-Madison, and I heard that the Bredley is pretty nice, if your into a lot of structured activities and stuff.</p>

<p>I have also heard many good things about Chadbourne.</p>

<p>i know lots of people that go to madison and if you are the partying type-do NOT live in lakeshore dorms. go for the southeast dorms. smith and ogg are more quiet and settle and you don’t meet a lot of new people. I’ve heard great things from sellery (even though it is the crappiest condition wise), i’ve heard that everyone is so friendly and you meet ATON of new people!</p>

<p>When i applied for housing, i personally wanted to live on lakeshore and away from the “party” area cause it just wasnt for me. I ended up in witte and I love it. I’ve rly met sooo many ppl that Im very good friends with. It’s extremely easy for people in witte and sellery to meet each other. I have a few friends on lakeshore that at first rly didnt meet many ppl, eventually they found their niche, but up to that point, they complained to me about how no one on lakeshore rly talks and how southeast is a lot more social, which is very true. But then again lakeshore is very very pretty, but very far away from other friends if you have any on either sides of campus. My friend from liz has to walk to sellery or we have to walk to liz if we ever want to see each other. While it’s not too bad in the warmer weather, its a little bit more of a trek in the winter. I have a few friends in chad and they love it. It is a great location, between lakeshore and southeast…ish. and it seems the floors in chad are actually quite tight. Don’t believe when ppl tell u that ppl in chad and bradley dont go out and party, its not true, i know a lot of ppl in chad and bradley that go out every weekend, if thats what ur worried about. on that note though, there are plenty of things for you to do if you dont want to go out and party too.</p>