<p>So they offer a plethora of SAT tests but there are some that aren't offered. Personally, i wish they had a Calc SAT II that could be taken in place of Math II, that would be awesome.</p>
<p>How about you guys?</p>
<p>So they offer a plethora of SAT tests but there are some that aren't offered. Personally, i wish they had a Calc SAT II that could be taken in place of Math II, that would be awesome.</p>
<p>How about you guys?</p>
<p>SAT Sex Education</p>
<p>Economics should also be offered.</p>
<p>Economics and business studies… does anyone know why they are not administered? it’s just strange because I’m going into business so apart from math it was really hard for me to find a good test to do</p>
<p>physics level 2</p>
<p>Calc would be amazing</p>
<p>I wish they would make a SATII for the Arabic language. It has 530 million speakers (250 native, 280 non-native)! obviously more speakers than Japanese and Korean…why DONT they have an Arabic Language SAT II?</p>
<p>definitely psychology~</p>
<p>Arabic Language!</p>
<p>psychology and sex ed</p>
<p>Spelling with listening would be nice =]. I wish world history was offered more often. arabic is not a widely taught language in America and UK. Collegeboard slashed a language AP last year due to small pool of test takers(Italian)</p>
<p>I also have wondered why Economics and Psychology aren’t offered considering tons of high schools offer them (probably more than offer Korean or Italian as languages) and they are pretty substantially different from any other subject.</p>
<p>I also would like an Art History SAT2.</p>
<p>I never really understood the purpose of the Korean test. I’ve never heard of a high school in America teaching it, so is it pretty much just for Korean kids to prove to colleges that they are fluent? I have a Korean friend who took the test, got one question wrong, and ended up with a 760 lol.</p>
<p>I really wish there was a computer science test. Even though it’s probably better tested in written exams, it can also be tested by MCQs…</p>
<p>music theory. and psych.</p>
<p>Economics, psychology, Math Level 3 (Calculus material), and grammar.</p>
<p>Mostly kidding about the grammar, but it would be nice to have one that tests more technical grammar than the applied grammar and usage the Writing section tests.</p>
<p>human anatomy</p>
<p>US Government</p>