<p>Math IC traditionally has a very tough curve. The prevailing opinion is to take Math IIC.</p>
<p>Go B'Ball. The math on Math 1 only includes Alg I and Geom. The math on Math 2 includes thru precalc. Any of the books are good, but definitely pickup the Collegeboard's own version. Then, Princeton Review, Kaplan or Barrons for more practice. Check out the SAT thread on cc, where kids post thier favorites.</p>
<p>Eagle: yes, can take either or both math tests. But, the curve on Math 2 is much more forgiving. You can miss several questions and still obtain an 800. Best to take Math 1 immediately after completing Alg & Geom, and Math 2 after completing pre-calc. But, since you child just finished APUSH, taking that subject test now would be logical. If you S scores well in Math 2 in June, there is no need to waste time and money on Math 1, IMO.</p>
<p>Incidentally, the kids seem to discourage three tests in one day due to fatigue. Can your S go standby tomorrow?</p>
<p>Math 1C reputed to have a WICKED curve. Most kids who have math prep take 2C, which reputedly has a more generous curve.</p>
<p>bluebayou, thanks for the advice. My son can not go standby tomorrow because he is taking the SAT 1 test. It willl be his second sitting for the test.</p>
<p>Regarding whether he should take the Level 1 or History, I like your advice and have a similar perspective. I will discuss it with him furhter but ultimately leave the decision up to him. Right now he seems keen on taking the 2 math sections</p>
<p>From what I understand, you take the SATII when you are finishing the "subject" AP or honors classes, and if you feel stong in those classes.... Some universities require Math2c, Chem, and something else.....depends on your college requirements</p>
<p>In my research, it seems that certain schools have certain requirements, so SAT II choice should reflect this. My D's CC suggested she take practice tests in a few areas and then take the real SAT II's in those sujects in which she had the strongest scores. As I posted in another thread, she had planned to take 3 tests today after taking 3 AP exams (English Language and Composition, Stats, and US History) this week, but after the last AP yesterday, decided to cut it down to her 2 best areas (Math IIC and French without listening) today. She's not enthusiastic about her performance on the US History AP yesterday, so thinks she'll take take Physics instead on the June 4th test date. This also makes sense with her (for now) long term plans of science and music double major.</p>
<p>Here are the test dates for 2005-2006. I happened to look it up last night.
<a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/calenfees/calenfees2.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/sat/calenfees/calenfees2.html</a></p>
<p>My son took 3 in one day, Math IIC, Chem and Writing. Made for a long day but he did OK. Got them all out of the way at the end of junior year. My younger son started early, one in 9th, will take 1 or 2 in June, then the 3rd, if necessary, in early Oct. He took biology after an honors class. Had to do some prep on his own since his class didn't cover some of the material. I think he used Sparknotes online info, a Cliffs biology book we checked out of library, and whatever practice questions he could find online. It was all free and he did very well.</p>