Senior Needs Help Picking SAT IIs

<p>My son never really thought much about the good old SAT. We are in the home of the ACT, Iowa, where he got a 36 ACT, with 36 in math and science, 35 in the other two. Decided when he got a 232 PSAT to take SAT I in May of junior year with no prep, got a 2290, 800 math, 750 English, 740 CR. Now realizes he needs to take SAT IIs, and with a required band appearance on the October date, can only take in Nov., or maybe Dec. if schools will still take these. </p>

<p>The schools he wants to apply to either say any three SAT IIs or two of them, one math and one science. Do they really mean that? Can he only take three at a time? He would like to take both math ones, he is in math contests, it is what he does best, and the older material is still fresh for him. He took hs calculus as sophomore, some college algebra, trig, and analytic geometry last year, and is in AP Calculus AB (only AP math offered at his school, online) this year. As for sciences, he has had two years hs weighted chemistry ( years 10 and 11) from a very good teacher, and is in AP online chenistry this year. He has had two years of hs biology (years 9 and 10), which he doesn't remember as well, and took hs weighted physics last year, good teacher again, but course was algebra based and not calculus based. It was easy for him because of his math skills. He wants to avoid history and English if possible. The only other possibility I see is he is in his 4th year of hs Spanish, which he is not too comfortable taking. I am tempted to get the CB book with all of the tests and just have him take both maths, chemistry, physics, biology, and maybe Spanish with no study, see how he does, and have him take the best three. I'm sure the best two will be the math, and am wondering if schools that say any three really mean that. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>i think three different tests rather than math 1 and 2 would be appropriate. i recommend math 2. math 2 has a more generous curve and it shows more knowledge.
SAT physics is not calculus based. it is algebra based.</p>

<p>Thanks so much skunk.</p>

<p>Many schools do require 3 SAT II's, depends on the school. However many simply take the ACT w/o SAT II's. Again it depends on the school. Some will even take SAT IIs only! </p>

<p>I think your idea of real CB practice tests is the way to go. Let your son take an assortment and decide from there. That's what my son did and his scores were consistent with the practice tests.</p>

<p>Each SAT II is one hour long so you can take a max of 3 in one sitting. You can take which ever ( other than the language listening ) tests you like and decide at the last minute. So if he signs up for, say chem and decides to take bio instead, it's no problem. Also if he signs up for 3 tests and takes fewer, that's OK too. He can even sign up for 1 or 2 and take 3 on the test day. He but he will have to pay for the extras-- I think CB sends a bill.</p>

<p>Your son is a very talented test taker---- but just know that if he decides to cancel a score on a test date, all scores from that date are canceled. That can be why people who hate those tests spread them out, aside from the agony of sitting for 3 hours.</p>

<p>skunk is soooo right about the math!</p>

<p>Thanks glasses, that is a lot of great info we had no idea about.</p>

<p>math 2

<p>And since I see on another thread that your son will be applying to MIT, yes, they are serious when they say that two SAT IIs are required, one math and one science. (Not two math.)</p>

<p>Thanks mootmom, i really wasn't very clear. math 2 is a given, was thinking he might take math 1, math 2, and chem for the schools that claim any three are OK, wasn't sure what they would think of taking both math ones, and several have suggested that is not a good idea. For MIT, math 2 and either chem or physics is probably what will happen, but not really sure of what, say Harvard would think of two maths and a science even though they claim any three are OK.</p>

<p>i found chemistry pretty easy and would recommend it.</p>

<p>I think it would be best if he took 3 different ones. The idea of taking a lot of different CB practice tests to see which ones he should take is good.</p>