which SAT's matter?

<p>you know how on most college apps (or all, idk) they tell you to list the SAT/SAT2 scores you want them to see, but ultimately they have to see the official report with all scores on it</p>

<p>if i took a somewhat superfluous sat2 and recieved a bad score would that hurt my chances of getting into a college?</p>

<p>It depends, but not really in general. If a college asks for three and that one bad test counted for one of your best 3 then yes it would hurt a little (it's not gonna kill you). If you had three tests that were better than that then it won't affect your chances at all (theoretically).</p>

<p>the world would be a much happier/better place if theories were true, but we have to deal with reality. Any bad sat ii score could hurt you negatively, though that effect is minimized if you have 3 higher scores. For instance, college admissions reps might wonder why you took that bad test, and whether you prepared or not, and if you didn't then why not.....</p>

<p>so if i did poorly on my newly taken sat2 i should cancel?</p>

<p>yes (10 char)</p>

<p>what is (10 char) supposed to mean lol</p>

<p>your post has to be at least 10 characters long</p>

<p>if i already have a bad score on one of my sat2s should i retake that in november? i have a 790 on bio 780 on math2c and 580 on us history, i just took chem in oct and im prettty sure i got atleast 600 lol but im considering canceling after this post </p>

<p>what should i do?</p>

<p>i got a 770 on Math IIC and a 720 on US history, and a 620 on lit. however, all my schools only look at the two highest SAT IIs so if that is the case for you i would not worry about it</p>

<p>Does your school require 3? I would leave it because anything above a 600 will look better than that 580.</p>

<p>all the schools im applying to require only 2, so should i leave the score? i'm actually not very very positive i got over 600 but i should have :P</p>

<p>if they only require two you SHOULD be fine, but.....</p>

<p>colleges might wonder why you took US hist and chem when those two scores are significantly lower than your other two, and bad score + worse score = BADDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!! Also, if there's one thing you DON'T want college adcoms to do, you don't want them to doubt anything.</p>

<p>thus i'd cancel if i were you just in case</p>

<p>my daughter got a "2" in Government, but 4's and 5's in other APs. I interpret the "2" as her not being taught the proper information to take the test, and I think many universities will do the same. </p>

<p>My daughter was obviously a great student based on other stats, so one "off score" will likely be given the benefit of the doubt. For instance, the child could be sick during that testing.</p>

<p>Ahh . that makes sense.</p>