Which school/major for optometry school?

<p>I got into UC Davis and UC San Diego. I am currently leaning towards UC San Diego. I was accepted as a psychology major but am now more interested in cognitive and neuroscience. </p>

<p>From my research, I understand that UC San Diego offers a B.S. in cognitive science with a specialization in neuroscience as well as a B.S. in physiology and neuroscience. I believe the latter is impacted so will declaring such a major be difficult? I also imagine the latter degree to overlap more with the prereqs for optometry school. But if I decide to major in the former (or psychology), as long as I complete the prereqs, will I be just as fine? </p>

<p>I did not really research Davis yet because I am not really that interested but I heard their biological sciences is bangin’! I also got into their psychology major which is impacted. (Need more brain food for this school, please fill me in)</p>

<p>Here is an example of prereqs from UCB’s opt school:
<a href=“http://optometry.berkeley.edu/pdf/admissions_pdf_word/equiv_courses/prereq_selfcheck_form.pdf[/url]”>http://optometry.berkeley.edu/pdf/admissions_pdf_word/equiv_courses/prereq_selfcheck_form.pdf</a></p>

<p>I understand that plans may deviate as time progresses but this is my little outline before I start college.</p>

<p>I can clarify if my questions were too unorganized. Tell me what you think?</p>

<p>When I was researching classes for both schools I saw a class titled “Mammalian Vision” at UC Davis under the NPB Major if that interests you. Didn’t see a similar one for SD but I may not have looked hard enough.</p>