If the schools you are looking at don’t request all your scores, then I would probably submit the SAT and ACT. Your subject tests are average. Your SAT is the highest out of all of them and your ACT is a close second.
What was your writing score on the ACT? If it was around the same as your math score, then submit it. Otherwise, send the SAT. Also, what is your major? Whichever tests have the highest scores related to your major may also be an advantage.
My writing score was 27 and I got a 12 on the essay. I’m a classics major. Unfortunately I only took those two subject tests. Most of the schools I applied to out of high school were test optional so it didn’t really matter.
You seem to do better in math than in literature so that may be a bit strange coming from a classics major, but truthfully, both scores equate to about the same. Your SAT score is higher than the SAT, but the subject test scores bring it down a bit. It’s a toss up.
If you can, retake the SAT or ACT before the application deadlines and get a higher score on either exam.