<p>With a child at Case, and having gone to Wake Forest, of the two I think you would be much better off at Case. Wake isn’t a research university. While it has strengths (a gorgeous campus, good weather, etc.), it still struggles with diversity and is VERY greek-driven. Case is very diverse and the greeks are a presence, but not overwhelming. Sorry, I don’t know anything about UC-Davis.</p>
<p>@stephen13 I didn’t mean to scare you away with the weather, but that would certainly be a big surprise! Actually it sounds like CWRU is exactly what you are looking for…</p>
<p>While I considered applying to Wake Forest University myself, I was unable to really establish it as a school with a well-designed biology department–as far as I know, while WFU is a fantastic school, it isn’t distinguished within the STEM fields. CWRU is definitely more defined in its STEM and medical (especially biomed eng) studies, being probably the main focus of the school. I’d prefer WFU’s location (east coast, beautiful campus/nature, cold but less rainy), but the choice between the two isn’t an astronomical difference. Maybe try and contact current students, and make sure to verify that WFU even has the major you want to study at the undergraduate level!</p>