Which UC should i go?

<p>these are the uc i got accpeted into and i would like to become an engineer
Davis :Chemical Engineering
Irvine : Chemical Engineering
Riverside: Chemical Engineering
San Diego: MAE: Environmental Engr
Santa Barbara: Chemical Engineering
Santa Cruz: Bioinformatics
please tell me the pros and cons~
Thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>I think you should go to ucsb or ucsd :)</p>

<p>UCSD is supposed to be the best for bio related engineering(I hear) Out of the list, I suggest you look at all the rankings for it and see how they stack up :slight_smile: and also recommend you visit every campus u can. Sometimes the most prestigious UC isn’t the right fit for u :).</p>

<p><em>My preference for engineering on that list would be in this order: UCSD, UCD, UCSB(I hear their engineering isn’t too shabby), UCI, UCSC, UCR :)</em></p>

<p>also, i currently live in Davis
and for UCSD is it easy to change from environmental engineering to chem engineering since i heard the environmental engineering program there is quite new
thanks for the responses so far :)</p>

<p>well for engineering UCSC would be my last choice. Other than that they all have great engineering programs</p>

<p>I would only consider three of those for engineering, UCSD, UCD, and UCSB. UCSD is the best of the three, so I would go there.</p>

<p>thanks for all the reply :slight_smile:
ok, my final choices now are UCD chem engineering and UCSD Environmental engineering
which should i choose and why?</p>

<p>visit them. See which one you like. Ask upper classmen about quality of life there. See if the school fits you.</p>

<p>Definitely visit them before making this decision. Personally, I prefer Davis’ environment, but you may feel otherwise. UCSD is probably better for engineering, and it is also more prestigious overall. </p>

<p>Frankly, the differences in prestige are fairly negligible, so I would recommend going with wherever you feel more comfortable. Also, where you go to college will often dictate where you work in the future. Consider that when making your decision.</p>

<p>[2009</a> Engineering Schools Errata - US News and World Report](<a href=“http://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/2008/03/28/2009-engineering-schools-errata.html]2009”>http://www.usnews.com/education/best-graduate-schools/articles/2008/03/28/2009-engineering-schools-errata.html)</p>

<p>Looking at Jason2009’s link I think it really reflects the absurdity of treating rankings as the end-all. Davis beats out both UVA and Yale for engineering…but if someone wanted to go to UVA, would you say that was a bad decision? We’re looking at schools in the top 5ish% of the world. Small variations in quality don’t matter nearly as much as the fit of the school. Note that Rice, a very elite smallish school in texas known for being quite good for engineering ranks lower than davis. Having such a magnification distorts the proper perception of quality. If you look at the % ranking all of these schools would be at the top. Go where you want to.</p>