Which UC will I be able to get into?

I’m extremely worried about college right now. I really want to get into UC Riverside or UC Davis but my grades aren’t that good. I did pretty bad during my sophomore year because there was a lot of family problems in the household.

Here are my grades:

Freshmen Year- SEM1&SEM2 (I got the same grades for both semesters)
Chinese 2 A-
English 1 B
Algebra 1B A
Vocal Arts A
Dance A
Earth Science A-
GPA: 3.83

Sophomore Year: SEM1/SEM2
English 2 A-/A-
Chinese 3/4 B+/A-
Geometry H B-/C-
Health/Intro to Microsoft A-/A-
Dance A/A
Chemistry B/C
History B/B
SEM 1 GPA: 3.43
SEM 2 GPA: 3.29

I took Algebra 2 over the summer and got A’s on both semesters

Junior Year: SEM1/SEM2
English 3: A/A
AP Chinese: A/A
Pre-Calculus: B/A
Anatomy: B/A
History: A/A

My gpa unweighted is 3.4 and weighted 3.64

What are my chances of being accepted?

Good chances at both! SAT scores?

Based on your posted grades, your UC GPA comes out to about a 3.67. This is a solid GPA for UCR/UCM and possibly UCSC. For the rest of the UC’s, the average UC GPA is 4.0+. Your chances will also depend upon your SAT/ACT score, EC’s and essays. All you can do is your best, make a realistic list including some safeties such a 1-2 Cal states, 2-3 Match UC’s such as UCM/UCR and UCSC, and a few Reaches (UCD/UCLA/UCI/UCSD) etc… Study hard for the SAT/ACT and work on your UC essays this summer. Good Luck.

What is a good SAT score to have that would be beneficial to my gpa?

for UCR , 1800+ to be safe
UCD , 1900+
go check out the UCR decision thread. People who got 1600 on their SAT got in.