Which University Honors class would be best?

<p>I am asking for opinions on these classes for my D. She needs to take an honors seminar class and finally has room in her schedule for fall 2012. She has it narrowed down to the following classes:</p>

<p>Alexander the Great with Tatiana Summers
Overview of Egyptian Culture with Hoda El-Karaksy
Arts and Parody with L. Cary</p>

<p>Is there any reason to avoid a certain class or teacher?</p>

<p>Are any of these classes a ton of work? She would like the class to be self-contained on campus. (She doesn’t have a car and wouldn’t want to do Arts in Tuscaloosa for instance.)</p>

<p>Has anyone taken these classes and can offer any insight?</p>

<p>Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>Arts and Parody with Dr. Cary is very good. My son loved the class and loved her.</p>

<p>I second the recommendation for Dr. Cary. She’s an absoulute pleasure.</p>

<p>Thank you so much.</p>